Happy woman holding white sheet.

Yankee Coating and Release Agents

Tissue and towel manufacturers are constantly striving to improve the physical properties of their products. Softness, strength and absorbency are all key attributes in producing quality tissue products that meet consumer demands.

The research and development team at Nalco Water are experts in the in-depth chemical and mechanical processes involved delivering the premium tissue grades. We understand the unique characteristics of Yankee coatings and how they play in the tissue creping process. Whether you use our DuraSoft Creping Technology for improved runnability or our Water Crepe Analysis Toolbox to monitor creping performance, our Yankee coating technologies can help you produce a stronger and softer product.

Customer Success Stories

Blue Paper Boat Leading A Fleet Of Small White Boats With Compass Icon On Wooden Table With Sunlight

Navigator™ and Yankee Operation Intelligence

Conventional machine sees improved machine speed, winder speed and uptime with Navigator 64807 and Yankee Operation Intelligence


Conventional machine sees improved machine speed, reduced downtime and optimised chemical speed, reduced downtime and optimised chemical programme with Tulip 64850


Hybrid machine sees improved machine speed, runnability and flexibility across grades with Navigator 64822

Programmes, Products, Equipment and Services

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