Two Ecolab experts reviewing data on a tablet computer at a power plant

Reporting Resources

Ecolab’s Growth & Impact Report presents the positive impact we deliver to customers through industry-leading services, solutions and expertise, and details our performance against our corporate responsibility ambitions.

Cover of the 2023 Growth & Impact Report

2023 Growth & Impact Report

This report comprehensively documents Ecolab’s corporate responsibility performance in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.

Cover of the 2021 Ecolab Sustainability Report for ANZ

Driving Sustainable Impact in Australia and New Zealand

Local digital sustainability book with customer examples of how we help reach sustainability goals, what we are doing locally in manufacturing, our Social Impact footprint and which products are environmentally recognized.

Learn how we work to build a positive future together with our customers.

View Our Annual Progress

Additional Reports and Data

Previous and Translated Reports

CDP Water Security

CDP operates a global nonprofit disclosure system for environmental impacts. Ecolab submits disclosures to CDP annually and earned an A ranking on water security in 2023.

CDP logo

CDP Climate Change

CDP operates a global nonprofit disclosure system for environmental impacts. Ecolab submits disclosures to CDP annually and earned an A ranking on climate change in 2023.

Un global compact

United Nations Global Compact

In 2012, Ecolab became a signatory to the UN Global Compact and the CEO Water Mandate.  As part of that commitment, Ecolab provides yearly communication on progress. Download our latest update on the UN Global Compact Website by clicking the link below.

Ecolab Report Archive