August 10, 2018

NSW Health has launched a new standardised approach to managing water-cooling systems in NSW. The new legislation introduces significant changes to the current regulations on cooling tower systems and will impact every organisation in NSW.

As an industry expert, Nalco Water has been involved in all NSW Health discussion meetings to ensure we are fully across the new regulation and the impact this will have on your business.

NSW Health Legionnaires disease control regulations

  1. In accordance to AS3666.3 monthly HCC and Legionella testing is required for every system in NSW
  2. A Risk Management Plan (RMP) based on AS3666.3 shall be completed for every system in a phased manner as determined by your local council
  3. The RMP shall be completed by a person deemed “Competent” as defined by the NSW guidelines
  4. An annual audit of the RMP shall be completed by an independent party to ensure that the RMP is being followed
  5. Mandatory reporting to local government of any test result that exceeds 1,000 CFU/mL Legionella or 5,000,000 CFU/mL HCC
  6. Each Cooling system shall be registered annually in a register
  7. The current certificate of disinfection shall be replaced with annual RMP review

For more information on the NSW Health regulations, please visit:

Nalco Water’s approach

As the world’s leading provider of water treatment and process improvements, Nalco Water has the tools and expertise in place to ensure we keep our customers compliant with the proposed legislation.

  • In-house NATA Accredited testing facility that ensures high quality independent results with fast turnaround time and online access for all customer reports.
  • Nalco Water’s cooling water treatment programmes are best in class and combined with our sophisticated 3D TRASAR® and System Assurance Centre platforms provide our customers 24/7 system monitoring and therefore peace of mind that the best possible approach has been taken to manage Legionella in their system.
  • Nalco Water’s certified risk management plan assessors have a minimum three years industry experience and are required to complete intensive technical training around the Mechanical, Operation and Chemistry (MOC) components of Cooling Water treatment in addition to specific Risk Management Plan training.

Nalco Water can also assist in:

  • the annual RMP audit (performed by an independent party)
  • mandatory reporting to local government
  • ensure the certificate of disinfection is replaced with the annual RMP review