Ecolab Scientists in a lab

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Our culture of inclusion and belonging is focused on supporting and engaging our associates to reach their full potential. We seek to foster a culture of belonging that reflects our longstanding value of collaborating to include diverse perspectives that challenge ourselves to reach our goals and do what’s right.

Fostering a Culture of Inclusivity and Belonging

Creating More Inclusive Communities

Creating More Inclusive Communities

Fostering a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Workforce

Supporting a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Workforce with Opportunities for All

Supporting a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Workforce with Opportunities for All

Purposefully investing in a thriving culture that honours inclusion and belonging is essential to being a purpose-driven company. As such, we strive to advance our organisation by:

  • More closely reflecting the communities we serve by expanding applicant pools and talent pipelines to attract, develop and retain a diverse range of talent in management roles
  • Providing individuals equal access to leadership opportunities irrespective of gender, ethnicity or background
  • Fostering a culture of inclusivity and belonging through employee resource groups for employees of all backgrounds
  • Investing in processes and systems that deliver transparency

As a component of our 2030 Impact, we aspire to increase management-level gender diversity to 35% and ethnic/racial diversity to 25%, as we seek to have equitable representation of the U.S. workforce at all levels for our industry.

Ecolab is committed to transparency and has chosen to publicly share our Employer Information Report (EEO-1) – a compliance survey mandated by U.S. federal statute and submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. View the latest EEO-1 Report under the “Equal Employment Opportunities” section of our Policies & Positions page.

Ecolab associates participating in the 2023 Strategic Employee Resource Group Leadership Summit

Doubling Down on the Impact of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

How do organizations continue to fuel innovation and drive growth?

Regardless of industry or sector, this question is always top of mind as organizations strive to deliver value for their customers through new ideas, products and processes. And there is always one common denominator for success: People. More specifically, a highly-engaged, high-performing team with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

This vital topic was at the heart of the 2023 Strategic Employee Resource Group (ERG) Leadership Summit organised by the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business’ Centre for Effective Organizations hosted by presenting sponsor, Ecolab. Together, nearly 200 ERG leaders and diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professionals from more than 50 U.S. companies explored the pivotal role of ERGs in driving innovation and fostering growth.

2023 Milestones


Of management-level
associates identified
as female


Of management-level
associates identified
as people of colour  


Of all new management-level
hires globally
were women


Of all new management-level
hires in the U.S.
were people of colour 

Nearly 40%

Of global workforce
completed an Allyship in Action
training course 


Increase in spend
with diverse suppliers

Ecolab expert smiling at another person

Read Our Growth & Impact Report

Ecolab intelligence center

Explore Our 2030 Positive Impact

2023 Employee Data

Global Gender Diversity

2023 Representation

Chart showing 2023 Global Gender Diversity Total Global representation

Total Global Employees

  • 70.9% Men
  • 28.2% Women
  • 0.9% Not Specified
Chart showing 2023 Global Gender Diversity Global Management representation

Global Management Employees

  • 72.1% Men
  • 27.6% Women
  • 0.3% Not Specified

Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the U.S.

2023 Representation

Chart showing 2023 Racial and Ethnic Diversity US Management representation

U.S. Management Employees

  • 78.5% White
  • 7.9% Asian
  • 6.3% Hispanic or Latino
  • 3.8% Black or African American
  • 1.7% Not Specified
  • 1.4% Two or More Races
  • 0.3% American Indian or Alaska Native
  • 0.2% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Chart showing 2023 Racial and Ethnic Diversity Total US representation

Total U.S. Employees

  • 65.2% White
  • 13.3% Hispanic or Latino
  • 11.9% Black or African American
  • 4.6% Asian
  • 2.1% Two or More Races
  • 1.9% Not Specified
  • 0.5% American Indian or Alaska Native
  • 0.4% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander