Ecolab and Coopers Brewery Fast Track Remote Technology with the Onset of COVID-19

When COVID-19 hit and Australia went into lockdown, many of Ecolab’s customers were forced to restrict supplier access to their sites. Coopers Brewery, committed to producing the highest quality beer in the safest most hygienic way was able to use Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR™ Clean-In-Place (CIP) technology to remotely assess and maintain “best-in-class” hygiene practices in the production process, with fewer people onsite.
“We were particularly impressed with how easy the system was to implement and that no new computer hardware was required to be installed onsite to be able to remotely assess the performance of a CIP clean. This has helped to ensure business continuity while maintaining the integrity of our product and safety of our people. The cost savings and reduced water consumption have ensured the business performs well and sustainably.”
-Dave Medlyn, Technical Brewer at Coopers Brewery

With the installation of Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR™ for Clean-In-Place (CIP) Technology already underway prior to the pandemic, introducing the remote digital service platform for CIP analysis was seamless and highly valued.
Cooper’s Brewery fast-tracked this digital technology to give its quality managers, as well as Ecolab’s account management team, remote visibility into the performance of their CIP systems, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the brewery.
Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR technology monitors every wash of every object 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and tracks all sensors and valves so Coopers can really see what’s on during a wash cycle. This helps them to make business-critical decisions, supporting a hygienic production process and enabling the brewery to be more sustainable, saving water and using less chemicals during the cleaning process.
Clean-in-place (CIP) is a method of cleaning the interior surfaces of pipes, vessels, process equipment, filters and associated fittings without disassembly, preventing significant downtime.
Ecolab’s 3D TRASAR Technology provides real-time sensing and dosing of streams for cooling towers and other water-intensive processes such as CIP. It delivers in-plant measurement and control for industrial and commercial operations worldwide. Thousands of sensors in thousands of facilities around the world feed data to in-plant monitoring equipment, and that data is then transferred in real time to a secure cloud storage platform built on Microsoft Azure and Azure IoT Suite.
This technology provides advanced analytics on globally collected data, so Ecolab is able to provide benchmarks and best practice insights for water management, energy savings and waste minimisation across multiple industries for customers like Coopers Brewery.
“Together Coopers Brewery and Ecolab have been able to remotely assess and analyse the CIP washes across the brewery. This has enabled the brewery to deliver a more consistent CIP performance, as well as identify opportunities to reduce cleaning time, water consumption and chemistry use.”
-Colm Culligan, Ecolab Australia Food and Beverage GM