Join Our GFSI Special Session

Re-establishing Consumer Confidence in All the Foods We Eat: A Call to Action

Tuesday, April 1, 2025  | 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm

As 2024 outbreaks have shown, when foodborne illness outbreaks happen, it impacts consumer confidence for the entire industry. Together, we can re-establish our consumers’ trust in the industry’s ability to provide safe and enjoyable foods. Join us for an in-depth discussion with industry leaders and experts as we explore the complexities of food safety within the global supply chain and what we, as an industry, can do to help keep food safe.  

Lisa Robinson headshot

The panel will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the recent increase in Listeriosis cases in the EU; the static recall events in the US; the decreasing consumer confidence levels; and the recently implemented regulatory changes to control Listeria in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. They will look to answer these core questions:  

  • Considering all the data, can we use continuous improvement tools to take on one issue like Listeria, and focus on its epidemiology, pareto analysis of the root causes, and develop some specific actions as an industry?    
  • Is there innovation needed or more focus on environmental monitoring programmes or validation/verification of the cleaning and sanitizing process?  
  • What steps must we take to reduce incidents and regain consumer trust? 

This session will be moderated by Ecolab’s Lisa R. Robinson I Vice President, Global Food Safety & Public Health



Protecting the Food Safety Supply Chain – Farm to Family

Ecolab has expertise at many points along the food supply chain – from farm to family – in a variety of industries. Our services keep your customers safe from foodborne illness – from the plants used to manufacture food to the grocery stores and restaurants where it’s purchased and consumed. Our aim is to develop a robust and lasting partnership – built on trust and expertise – to elevate your food safety reputation.
Learn more on how we partner with your sector below:


Food & Beverage

Customized solutions and expertise to help optimise food and beverage options.

FRS Covid Page Images

Food Retail

Effective solutions for food safety, quality assurance and positive customer experience.

Ecolab Food Safety


Comprehensive hygiene programmes and solutions to deliver a clean and safe guest experience.


Pest Elimination

Scientifically proven protocols that are personally delivered by service specialists who understand your business needs.