Notice to Vehicle Drivers with Forward- or Dual-facing Cameras

Last updated: November 2024

If you drive an Ecolab decaled vehicle or a non-decaled vehicle with an in-vehicle forward-facing or dual-facing video and/or audio device, we may collect the following personal information:

  • Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information (for example, video from in-vehicle cameras in Ecolab decaled vehicles, profile photos);
  • Biometric information (for example, face scans of drivers in Ecolab decaled vehicles with dual-facing cameras);
  • Geolocation and Location data (for example, company vehicle movements).

Additionally, geolocation and video information will be collected by our service provider (on our behalf) from the forward-facing or dual-facing video and/or audio device and accessed and used by Ecolab.

Finally, Ecolab may use the data collected through forward-facing or dual-facing video and/or audio devices for driver safety and security purposes, such as measures to detect and prevent distracted driving as well follow up coaching in Ecolab decaled vehicles.